A rather personal post today, after an unintentionally long absence. Read on and you’ll understand why. “You can’t do that. You’re insane” I have deliberately messed up my work-life balance this year, adding study to my already hectic life. And of all things, I’m attempting a law degree. Yes, it’s one more ball in the air, and a really big one. …
When “can’t” actually means “won’t”
2 Sometimes I feel that the words “I can’t” should just be banned altogether. So often, the real meaning behind the words “I can’t” is “I won’t” or “I don’t really want to” and is a crutch that is used to by the speaker to justify their position. It’s also a habit, and a bad one, I might add. …
Top 3 things I wish people would stop saying
It can’t be done / I can’t do it This is my number one pet hate. It’s demoralising, dis-empowering and defeatist. It is such a “final” statement it leaves you no room to move. No room for imagination, no room for motivation. It basically translates to “I give up”. Sometimes it’s a sign of defiance as in “I don’t want …
“No pain, no gain”
If you really believe in this saying, you’d be a masochist. Think about it. People use this phrase to push themselves or others through tough times, to motivate and encourage but realistically how can pain motivate? I think this belief may be the cause of many failures.
Are you living up to expectations, or down to it?
I was recently chatting with a friend about difficulties getting Treasurer roles in community organisations filled. She was playing with the idea of getting a university student or even a Year 12 student into the role in her organisation. I admit my initial reaction was “oh, I’m not sure about that”. I baulked at the thought of handing over such …
When was the last time you rewarded yourself?
When you read the title of this article, are you thinking….. “Reward – what’s that?” or “Reward – when would I fit that in?” or “I’ve got more important things to worry about than to think about rewards!” Being constantly weighed down by the day-to-day grind sometimes means that the last thing we think about is rewarding ourselves. If you …
Self Matters
Are you living a life that has been determined by other people’s expectations? Do you feel unfulfilled and know that something is missing? Perhaps it is because you are not living an authentic life. This book by “Dr Phil” addresses these issues and provides some practical steps on how analyse the critical decisions, people and events that have contributed to …
It can’t be done
“It can’t be done” Full stop. How many times have you heard this statement? It is potentially the most disempowering set of words that anyone could utter worsened only by “I can’t do it” which is self-defeating. This is a mindset that can be changed with practice. Try redeeming these terrible phrases with the words “but”. For example: “It can’t be done …