What is the price of authenticity in marketing?

Quite a few marketing messages have been crossing my desk lately and they have been making me quite uncomfortable.  Most have been like the following in some shape or form: Double your practice in 90 days! From $xx to 6 figures in 90 days! Very catchy.  Very persuasive.  Elicits an emotional response.  I get how powerful these messages are.  After …

Networking with authenticity

I had a very enjoyable catch up with a friend a few days ago which started me thinking about the topic of networking.  We had caught up to exchange updates about our respective lives and to debrief about a recent connection that I had facilitated for her.  The lunch was lovely, conversation interesting and potential contacts discussed.  Did this make …

Self Matters

Are you living a life that has been determined by other people’s expectations?  Do you feel unfulfilled and know that something is missing?  Perhaps it is because you are not living an authentic life.  This book by “Dr Phil” addresses these issues and provides some practical steps on how analyse the critical decisions, people and events that have contributed to …