The difference between knowing your limits and short-changing yourself

A rather personal post today, after an unintentionally long absence.  Read on and you’ll understand why. “You can’t do that.  You’re insane” I have deliberately messed up my work-life balance this year, adding study to my already hectic life. And of all things, I’m attempting a law degree. Yes, it’s one more ball in the air, and a really big one. …

tipping point

“Tipping points” and “dips” – the value of persistence

I struggle with the “tiger mum” concept because I don’t want to be one but sometimes some of my parenting beliefs have a tiger mum-ish feel to them.  I discovered this recently in a conversation with another mum.  I was venting my frustrations about my difficulties getting my children to practise the piano, particularly my son who is 4.  Her response …