Top 10 tax tips for Small Business

It’s getting round to tax time again and with a lot of information floating around, I thought it opportune to collate what I thought were the top 10 tax tips for 2012.   These tips have been selected with the small business in mind and as such may not include some obvious tips for individuals. Instant Asset Write Off What …

Is your business invisible?

In this time and age, it’s hard to imagine a business that is invisible online, yet I keep stumbling on them.  With large numbers searching online now, even just to look up a phone number and address, it’s almost ludicrous to not be able to find a business online. I happened to be in this exact situation a few days …

Is personality testing any better than a horoscope prediction?

“It’s no better than a horoscope”, a former employee once said to me when she declined to be “typed” (type – industry lingo for taking the Myers-Briggs test).   I am generally a sceptic and admit to having been less than complimentary about various personality and psychological tests that I’ve been compelled to take in the past, especially as employment screening tools. …

learning piano

Pushing past self-limiting beliefs – a personal story

I feel vulnerable and somewhat uncomfortable writing this post, but I have experienced a breakthrough, and I’m hoping that by sharing this story, I will inspire and invite more of the same into my life. You see, I am a closet pianist.  I say “closet” because hardly anyone hears me play.  From the way I hide my playing, you’d think …

bias in decision making

Blink – The Power of thinking without thinking (Book Review)

As a fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s other two books Outliers (my favourite!) and Tipping Point, I jumped at the chance to read Blink when I found it at the local library.  It did not disappoint. I’ve often wondered how we separate a genuine gut feeling which forewarns us about danger and the less desirable fear-based stomach churn that stops us from moving forward.  Both …

Work before play – not really a virtue

Work-before-Play or Play-before-Work – which are you?  I’m of the Work-before-Play school.  Have always been.  In fact, this is so ingrained that if I tried to “play” before work, I’d feel so guilty I wouldn’t enjoy it anyway. There is a risk though, that work (and guilt) takes over to such a degree that we forget to reward ourselves.  As much as hard …