Cash flow lesson – Should you hold on to seasonal stock?

With Christmas over, this would be a pertinent issue for retailers who have stocked up on Christmas goods.  While it may seem like it is only relevant to retailers, other business owners could also learn something by considering this scenario.  Financial management is an essential skill for every business owner. This particular question relates to cash flow and opportunity cost.  I’ll be using …

Defining your target market

Underpinning any marketing strategy is your target market i.e. who your customers or clients are.  But tackling this question is surprisingly difficult for most business owners.  Answers are usually vague and when asked for specifics, many reply with demographics such as gender, age group, income – answers that are not quite enough for strategy formulation. When I try to tease the answer …

4 ways to risk-proof your business partnership

Setting up a business in partnership?  Before you carried away with the euphoria and excitement, there are some things you need to consider.  Many partnerships start wonderfully and later turn sour due to misunderstandings, differing expectations or change of personal circumstances.  Dealing with these possibilities up front will save you a lot of potential grief. “Many hands make light work” …

Business cycle emoticon

Is it time to call it quits?

It’s a conversation no business owner wants to have but for some, there comes a time when the question won’t go away – “Is it time to call it quits?” Like all difficult questions, there is no simple answer and often it is as much about motivation and energy of the business owner as it is about whether a business is …

Do-it-yourself Trademarks – What can go wrong?

Have you thought about getting a trademark for your logo and wondered whether you can do it yourself? When I was deciding whether to apply for my own trademark, I wondered about the need for using a trademark attorney.  I had a look at the process, didn’t think it was particularly difficult and therefore decided that I couldn’t justify the …

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

What the…. SWOT?

I thought most people had come across this term and understood that it was a natural part of a business planning process.  Apparently not.  I remember a jaw-dropping incident when a fellow CEO dismissed the necessity for a SWOT in his business plan. I was completely taken aback that a business plan could actually be done without one!  It’s much like …