Looking for the solution to constant chaos and overwhelm? The author promises extraordinary results if you can identify the “one thing” that you need to do. The “one thing” that is like the first domino which creates a domino effect. It is essentially another version of the 80-20 rule, but a very simplistic one that suggests you reduce your focus …
Time Management (Part 4) – Beating Procrastination
We are all guilty of procrastination in some shape or form, at one time or another, but some of us more than others. If you are reading this article, then procrastination must be having some impact on your life. Are you serious about beating procrastination or looking or more excuses to justify why you procrastinate? If you fall in the …
Time Management (Part 3) – “I don’t have enough time”
How often have you uttered or heard this phrase? Discussing this issue is usually fraught with time bombs because having “enough time” is rarely the real problem, often just a cover-up. The Real Reason #1 – Changing Priorities I actually dislike the phrase “make time. It pushes my buttons. At an intellectual level, I don’t like it because you can’t …
Mind Maps
Recently I came across a mind map that had been used during a strategy and business planning workshop. I wondered how something that looked so chaotic could be used for this purpose so I started experimenting and picked up The Mind Map Book to find out a bit more. The book claims that mind maps are great tools for organising, …
Time Management (Part 2) – The Email Trap
Are you hooked on your emails? Do you jump straight to your email when you hear the notification? Do you really need to read your email as soon as it pops into your inbox? If you are like most people, the answer is probably not. Emails are potentially one of the greatest time wasters and changing how you handle your email …
Time Management (Part 1) – To-Do Lists
Are your to-do lists out of control? Do you have so many to-do lists (on paper, on your PC, on your mobile phone) that you can’t keep track? Do your to-do lists get lost in your diary, notebook etc? Well, to-do lists are one of the most common time management tools but when they aren’t used effectively, they end up …
One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
How do you manage your staff? Do you only feel comfortable and in control when you are very involved? Do you think that it is sometimes faster and easier for you to do the job so you take over? Do you delegate to your staff or do your staff delegate to you? This book is a great read and will …