Some of you might wonder how I could follow the Brain that Changes Itself with something as fluffy as this. Well, sometimes it pays to be open-minded. A book like this wouldn’t ordinarily catch my interest because I don’t like stereotypes and I particularly dislike “being” stereotyped but the title “…. and women can’t read maps” was a glaring challenge …
The Workplace Psychopath – A Victim’s Story
Since I started this blog, no article has had more hits than the one titled Have you worked with a Workplace Psychopath? In light of this this, I decided to seek out a story from a victim’s point of view. The article that follows is in a victim’s own words and provides an insight to what happens and how damaging an …
Have you worked with a workplace psychopath?
So, what is a “workplace psychopath”? Believe it or not, this is not merely a derogatory term used to describe someone you don’t like at work. It is in fact a label used to describe a destructive personality type that occurs in the workplace. Common characteristics include manipulation and victimisation, and not surprisingly, not much good comes from having one in …
Type Talk at Work
Have you ever wondered why some people have work habits that completely annoy you? Are you an organised person who can’t understand how anyone could wait until the last minute to complete a project? Do you find that you love having abstract, conceptual discussions which other people don’t seem to understand? Or, are you the reverse? This book explains how …