Difficult Staff – Is your high achiever one of them?

The high achiever Unless you’ve had the experience of managing a high achiever, you may be surprised to see them classified as “difficult”.  There is usually no doubt that high achievers produce results.  Intelligent, possessing high standards, they often exceed expectations in their performance.  So why are they sometimes  difficult to manage? It’s because of high expectations, both of themselves …

Have you worked with a workplace psychopath?

So, what is a “workplace psychopath”?  Believe it or not, this is not merely a derogatory term used to describe someone you don’t like at work.  It is in fact a  label used to describe a destructive personality type that occurs in the workplace.  Common characteristics include manipulation and victimisation, and not surprisingly, not much good comes from having one in …

It can’t be done

“It can’t be done”  Full stop.  How many times have you heard this statement?  It is potentially the most disempowering set of words that anyone could utter worsened only by “I can’t do it” which is self-defeating.   This is a mindset that can be changed with practice.  Try redeeming these terrible phrases with the words “but”. For example: “It can’t be done …