Book review - David and Goliath

David & Goliath – Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants (Book Review)

I am a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s books and as usual David and Goliath challenges ideas and beliefs that most of us take for granted.  Like the title suggests, ‘big and strong’ do not always prevail, but it is not for the reasons that we believe.  Rather than actually being the underdog, David had many advantages but first and foremost, it was …

bias in decision making

Blink – The Power of thinking without thinking (Book Review)

As a fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s other two books Outliers (my favourite!) and Tipping Point, I jumped at the chance to read Blink when I found it at the local library.  It did not disappoint. I’ve often wondered how we separate a genuine gut feeling which forewarns us about danger and the less desirable fear-based stomach churn that stops us from moving forward.  Both …

tipping point

“Tipping points” and “dips” – the value of persistence

I struggle with the “tiger mum” concept because I don’t want to be one but sometimes some of my parenting beliefs have a tiger mum-ish feel to them.  I discovered this recently in a conversation with another mum.  I was venting my frustrations about my difficulties getting my children to practise the piano, particularly my son who is 4.  Her response …

The Tipping Point

I was so impressed by the Outliers that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Malcolm Gladwell’s other books.  The Tipping Point was his first and Outliers , actually his third, so I’ve gone about it a bit back to front.  I’m glad I did though because I feel that if I had started with The Tipping Point, I may …