The One Thing (Book Review)

Looking for the solution to constant chaos and overwhelm? The author promises extraordinary results if you can identify the “one thing” that you need to do. The “one thing” that is like the first domino which creates a domino effect.  It is essentially another version of the 80-20 rule, but a very simplistic one that suggests you reduce your focus …

Collaboration teamwork

Meetings destroy collaboration

Yes, I am deliberately being provocative, but it is true, ineffective meetings destroy the true value of collaboration. Ever heard of the phrase death by committee?  It’s a long-standing joke that committees can’t get anything done.  If you’ve ever been involved in a community based committee, you probably get it.  If not, think about all the meetings that you’ve attended where …

Networking for introverts

Introverts are people who draw energy from the inner world, a world of ideas, pictures and memories.  If you are an introvert, you would probably relate to most of the statements below: Being an introvert does not in any way mean that you are shy, socially inept and any other negative stereotypes that are commonly used.  There are many myths …

Use my name, please!

Consider what happens when you hear someone use your name.  If you are within earshot, your ears prick up.  Whether you intend to or not, you start to pay attention. So when you send emails to your customers or prospects, use their name if you want them to pause before hitting “spam” or “delete”.  Using a person’s name implies that …

Is personality testing any better than a horoscope prediction?

“It’s no better than a horoscope”, a former employee once said to me when she declined to be “typed” (type – industry lingo for taking the Myers-Briggs test).   I am generally a sceptic and admit to having been less than complimentary about various personality and psychological tests that I’ve been compelled to take in the past, especially as employment screening tools. …

Listening vs Hearing

Hearing – you noticed a sound. Listening – you made an effort to understand that sound and find its meaning. Yes, there is a distinction and it’s important.  Pay attention because many conversations go awry because of this distinction. In some circles, listening properly, as I would call it, is referred to as active listening.  In the simplest terms, it means you …